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9. Change Format of Names

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This option allows you to change the way you address your customers in mailings for your complete mailing list. It also allows you to convert your mailing list to all-capitals (e.g. JOHN SMITH) or mixed upper- and lower-case (e.g. John Smith).


Make Backups before using this menu choice. All changes are final!




║ How should your                ║

║ customers be addressed:        ║

║ 1) Mr & Mrs John Smith         ║

║ 2) Mr & Mrs Smith              ║

║ 3) John Smith & Jane Doe       ║

║ 4) John & Jane Smith           ║

║ 5) John Smith                  ║

╚══════════════════ <Esc>=Quit ══╝




Pick the addressing method you prefer to use on mailings. If a customer does not have a spouse’s name in the customer profile, then just the first name and title will be used. After making a section you will be prompted to confirm:



        You have chosen number:  3. Is this correct? Yes No  <Esc>=Quit




Next you will also be asked if you want to convert your mailing list to all-capitals (e.g. JOHN SMITH) or mixed upper- and lower-case (e.g. John Smith).



   Should customer names & addresses be converted to UPPER case only? Yes No




At the same time, the program can convert the vendor list to all-capitals (e.g. CITIZEN WATCHES, INC.) or mixed upper- and lower-case (e.g. Citizen Watches, Inc.). Pressing <Esc> will cancel the next process.




   Should vendor names & addresses be converted to UPPER case only? Yes No