To show a list of customers on the screen, choose option 5, List Customers and the following screen will appear:
█ Golden Opportunity ♦ List Customers to the Screen █
Press <Esc> to Quit
Type the Last Name that you want to scan for:
Press <Enter> To Display All Customers
You May Press <Esc> While Displaying Names To Return To The Customer Menu
If you want to see one customer, type the customer's last name. Only customers with that last name will appear on the screen.
To list all customers with last names that begin with a particular letter, enter just that letter. For example, to see all customers with last names beginning with the letter B, type a B and press <Enter>. Do not enter the first name anywhere in this field.
A portion of a last name can be entered also. To list all customers whose last names start with JOH, such as JOHNSON and JOHANSSEN, type JOH and press <Enter>.
To list all customers, leave the field blank by simply pressing <Enter>.
The customer name, address, and telephone number will appear on the screen. The listing will also tell you which customers are charge account customers.
When the list appears on the screen, press <Enter>. The system will continue to list customers until all selected customers have been displayed.
When all selected customers have appeared, the menu will re-appear.