Resizing Forms and Screens in Shopkeeper

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Resizing Forms and Screens in Shopkeeper


You can now customize the size of most Shopkeeper screens to make them as large as you like. When you have activated screen resizing and you are on a screen that supports that feature (not all screens do), you will see the resize arrow at the bottom right corner of the screen. With the mouse you can drag the corner to resize the window.



That helps for high-resolution smaller monitors or very high-resolution or larger monitors. In both cases, such monitors can make Shopkeeper's standard size screens appear small and hard-to-read.


The screens aren't simply resized, all the text is also enlarged which makes them easier to read on high-resolution monitors


This feature also remembers the position of each Shopkeeper window which helps if you have large or multiple monitors as you can now position windows in specific places and those positions will be automatically restored each time you open them.


*) In the Local Defaults Page 3 of Preferences, via the Maintenance Menu, choose Y for the question, "Enable Resizing / Stretching of VJS Windows ?"






By default, resizing Shopkeeper Form X (e.g. Sales) does not resize Form Y (e.g. Inventory.)


But there is a second option, whereby resizing one screen will cause all other screens to resize by the same proportion.  (Only screens that are resize-enabled, of course.)


To enable that feature, you would type Y for the question

 "Should Resizing be Uniform for all Windows?"


This does not resize any other forms that are already open at that moment, but the next time any form is opened, it will assume the resize factor of the most recently resized form.


As with all Local Defaults preferences, this preference affects only the computer you're working on - not on other computers, if you have multiple networked computers.


I.e. some computers with a lower-resolutions monitors or a slower processor may not need this feature, whereas the rest could benefit from it.


Most (but not all) VJS screens or dialog boxes can be resized by dragging the bottom-right corner.


Each screen or dialog remembers its own resizing and also a preferred position on the monitor. If you have multiple monitors, the screens will remember which monitor you last had them on.


It does take a bit of extra processing time for the computer to resize the screens as they are opened, and some will blink as the screens are resized,  but most recent computers are fast enough to make this barely noticeable.


Note that most resizable screens will be resized in such a way as to preserve the proportions of the screen so that the boxes and text are not stretched or squished in unsightly ways.


Over time, additional Shopkeeper screens may have this feature added in further updates based on customer feedback.