Chekkit Online Review & SMS Texting Integration

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Account Setup for Chekkit SMS-Texting and Online Review Requests


You can SMS-Text your customers directly through Jewelry Shopkeeper if you have an account with Chekkit.


Via Chekkit, Shopkeeper can also send online internet review requests to customers at the same time as you enter a sale or a repair.



Chekkit does not have a yearly minimum contract so you can try it out without a commitment.





Once you have obtained your Chekkit credentials, in Shopkeeper, open the Maintenance Menu then open Preferences, then towards the bottom of the list on the left, open the Web Services page.




Then enter the API Authorization token.   This is a very long string of characters so you may want to copy it to the Windows Clipboard from the email or document you received from Chekkit and then click in this box in Shopkeeper and paste it by pressing Ctrl-V on the keyboard.


clip0759   clip0413


Note that in some cases, the Authorization Token that Chekkit gives you is too long (over 253 characters) to be directly typed into the grid.

In that case, you can select the Authorization Token line,then click on Edit Long Entry and paste in the Token into the pop-up box.


You can use this method even if you're not sure what the length of the token is.






The other credentials are not currently needed.



You will probably want to type 30 DAYS or 60 DAYS in the Review Options box on the Web Services Settings page of Preferences.




This way, if you attempt to send a second review request sooner than 30 or 60 (or 90, etc.) days after the last request, VJS will alert you in order that you can decide whether to hold off sending another request because a customer may consider that receiving review requests too frequently is annoying.


If you use this feature, the alert would appear if you request  a manual review request, e.g. by choosing Options, Review Request from the Customer Profile screen. But the automatic review request that occurs when printing a sales receipt will not even appear, in order to avoid too much clutter at point of sale.


If you do not use this feature and you try to send a review request to a customer who has already received and responded to a review request within the past, say, one year, then Chekkit will show an alert message and it will not send the request. Check with your Chekkit rep to learn if you can verify or change the no-repeat duration that they impose.



To ensure that Shopkeeper selects your Chekkit account, type Chekkit into both the Review Options box and the Other Review Request box

to prioritize Chekkit for both reviews and for regular SMS-texting.


This is primarily in case you are transitioning from another service and still have the other credentials in place, e.g. from Podium or FrogSwing. If you do not have these other credentials, then typing this here doesn't hurt but it isn't required.




If you don't also have Podium, then to make sure that a Chekkit review request pops up when completing a sale, add the word


in the Podium Authorization Key box.  (required in some versions of Shopkeeper - not all.)








Review Requests Via Chekkit


If you have entered the Chekkit credentials, the Review Request pop-up will automatically appear after the receipt or repair envelope is printed.




If either the primary or spouse's mobile phone number is missing, you can fill it in at this time. Filling in or changing the mobile number will update the customer records.


If both mobile numbers are filled in, you can select either one. That way you can avoid sending a text request to Mary at work if John is the one who just made the purchase.


If you check both an email address and a mobile phone number, ten Chekkit will send the review request to the mobile phone number.






A log of previous review requests is shown at the bottom - but only requests initiated via Shopkeeper are shown, not those you may have made from the Chekkit website dashboard.


If you see that a request was sent quite recently, then there's little point asking the customer if they would like to submit a new review. As noted above in the Credentials configuration, you can specify a number of days under which VJS will issue you an alert for a duplicate review requests.


If Chekkit detects that you are sending a review request too soon after a previous request, it will not process the new request and will alert you.



There, you can add entries with a short name in the Selections column and the message at the bottom in the Text to Add box. Note that the message can contain merge codes that will be personalized for the customer.


Hi, [First]! If all went well at Ace Jewels, could you take a few seconds to leave us a review via this link? - If anything was unsatisfactory, please ask for Bob who will resolve things. Thank you!


Note that the link, something like, must be changed to your store's personalized web-link for review requests. You may need to ask Chekkit for the link. For the standard message, Shopkeeper will assume that the link ends with your Chekkit User ID that you entered along with your credentials.


For more merge codes, see the Help Topic on how to send SMS - Texts via Shopkeeper


Note that you could check the box by one of the messages to make it the default / standard message, but you can quickly switch to another message for any individual request depending on the customer or the sales person or the type of sale.





You can delay sending the request for a number of minutes if you'd prefer not to send the request at the exact second that the customer is still in front of you. The pop-up Review request window can be moved to a corner of the screen, or you could minimize it, and you can continue to do other work in Shopkeeper and return to the Review pop-up in a few minutes. If you forget about it, it will reappear after a few minutes. You can have more than one review reminder pop-up pending at the same time. However, you should send the requests before completely exiting Shopkeeper, at which time they will be closed.


If you want to send a "manual" request at a time other than just after printing a receipt or a repair ticket, when a customer transaction is in the sales screen, at the top, choose Options, then More Options, then Online Review Request.








Whenever you have a customer profile selected in the Customer Maintenance screen, you can send a "manual" (non-sale or non-repair-related) review request.


Choose Options, Online Review Request and the same pop-up Review Req8est window (as above) will appear.



The options for a manual Online Review Request will not appear if you do not have your Chekkit credentials entered in Preferences.


If you have certain customers who should never be asked for a review request automatically, retrieve their profile in the Customer Maintenance screen and add the key words anywhere in the customer Notes box (with the square brackets, upper- or lower-case.)
         [REVIEWS OFF]





With this key word in the customer notes, while the automatic at-sale pop-ups will be turned off for this customer, you will still be able to send a manual request, but even for a manual request you will be reminded of the customers  preference for no invitations.