When the date, department, and clerk(s) have been entered, the following screen will appear at the bottom half of the screen:
1 -
Enter one line for each item being sold.
LINE #*} The line number is a reference for each line of the sale. It is provided automatically by the system, and cannot be changed.
SKU NUMBER*} (Stock Keeping Unit Number) Type the SKU number of the item sold. This information must be entered in order to record the sale. If your inventory is tagged, the SKU number can be found on the item's tag. For repairs, you set up a number of different SKU numbers for different types of repairs you can be use each of them an unlimited number of times.
You can type in a style number instead of a SKU number. See Search for Items by Style Number on page . See below for how to make a sale without having the item’s SKU number in the system.
Leading zeros do not have to be entered. For example, if the stock number is 001–10000, you can type a 1 for 001, press <Enter>, then type 10000. Do not type the dash (–) between the two parts of the number.
Once the stock number has been entered, the style, class code, description, and unit price will automatically appear.
If you type only the first three digits of the SKU number (the major class code part), you will be able to scan the inventory file in a browse screen. Before the browse screen appears, you will see the following instructions:
║ You are entering a browse screen. In the browse screen, use the cursor keys ║
║ to highlight an item. Press Ctrl-End to select an item, press Esc to Quit ║
The simple instructions are shown to tell you how to use the browse screens, but if you find the instructions distracting, you can turn off the instructions from Store Information Defaults section of the program.
If you do not yet have all the inventory items entered into the Jewelry Shopkeeper, you can use a ‘dummy’ SKU number. A dummy SKU number is the major class code plus 00001. For example, if you were selling an item from inventory category 156, the dummy SKU number would be 156-00001.
There is another way of entering a sale on the sales screen without having previously entered the inventory item. In this method, you type the item’s information into the inventory file and sell it at the same time. The advantage this has over using the dummy SKU number method described above is that your sales files refer to exactly the right item, not just the right category. The disadvantage is that it takes longer to add the item to the inventory file at the point of sale then just using the dummy SKU number. To enable this option, go to the Store Information Defaults screen, and set the Option to Add Inventory on Sales Screen to <Y>.
To use this option, enter an unused SKU number and you will be asked if you want to add that to the inventory file, as shown below
That item was not found. Do you want to add it? No Yes <Esc>=Quit
If you choose <Y>, the procedure for adding inventory is identical to the procedure used in the Enter Existing Inventory choice from the Inventory menu. See that section in the manual for more details.
PRICE*} Unit price. This field will automatically appear as the selling price that was entered when the item was received. The price can be changed to discount the item.
If the item is sold by weight, this amount is the per unit price. This price will be multiplied by the weight to determine the final selling price.
If the item is priced by the piece, then the selling price will be determined by the quantity multiplied by the price.
To discount the item by a percentage of the price shown, type a minus sign (-) and the percentage that you want to discount the item. For example, to discount the price by 33%, type -33 right over the current selling price and press <Enter>. The discounted selling price will appear in the price field after description and quantity have also been entered. If an exact price is known, type that price over the price shown without the minus sign.
If a price including tax has been agreed upon, type the agreed upon price and press <←> to view the Extra Options choices and choose Include Tax In Price from the selections.
If you use the security features of the Jewelry Shopkeeper, you can impose limits on what percentage discount can be taken off from the sales screen. See the Manager Override feature below if you are already in the sales screen and need to enter a price lower than that allowed for your password.
DESCRIPTION*} The description for the stock number will automatically appear in this field. Generally you will not want to change the description, so press <Enter> to accept this description. If necessary, you can type a different description for this particular sale. The new description will not affect the usual description for the stock number in the inventory file. You can prevent users from changing the description by using passwords and by setting the security level for Change Description & Style During a Sale to 10. The description saved on the sale will be the description printed on the customer’s receipt, monthly statement and sales history.
QTY*} Type the number of items sold. A ‘1’ automatically appears in this field. Even if the item is sold by weight, you must type the number of pieces being sold. Press <Enter> to accept the 1, or enter another quantity. The inventory quantity will immediately be reduced by the amount entered. Do not type zero unless you want to delete the line. To delete the line, see edit or delete items, step 13.
To indicate the return of an item, type a negative quantity. For example, if the customer is returning two items with the same SKU number, type the item information, and type -2 as the quantity.
If you type a larger quantity than is listed in the inventory file, you will see the following message. The program will not stop you from making the sale, but if this happens, you should find out why the quantity in the inventory file was not accurate.
There is only a quantity of __ of that item in stock.
Are you sure the number is correct? No Yes <Esc>=Quit
STYLE*} The style code that corresponds to the SKU number automatically appears and should generally not be changed. You can prevent users from changing the style by using passwords and by setting the security level for Change Description & Style During a Sale to 10
(WEIGHT)*} This field appears only if the item is sold by weight. If this field appears type the weight being sold in the usual units for this item. Do not type zero unless you want to delete the line. To delete the line, see step 13. If an item sold by weight is to be returned, the weight returned must be typed as a negative amount using the minus (–) sign.
EXTENSION*} Extended Price. If the item is sold per piece, this field shows the quantity times the unit price. If it is sold by weight, this field shows the weight times the unit price. This is the amount the customer will be paying for the item(s) shown on this line. Extended Price is calculated and can only be changed by modifying the retail price, quantity sold or weight sold.
A T for taxable will appear next to this field if the item is taxable, or N for non-taxable if not. See below to change the taxable status