If the customer already has a charge account with your store, the following message will appear at the top of the screen:
Is this sale a store charge? Yes No See customer status <Esc>=Quit
If this is a revolving charge or contract payment sale, type <Y>. Otherwise, type <N>. If you type <Y>, the words CHARGE SALE will appear at the top of the screen. If the customer has a charge account, you can also check the customer’s account status by pressing <S>.
If you have turned on the Search for Credit Slips option from the Store Information Defaults section, and the program finds one or more for that customer, then the credit slip will be shown in the top right of the screen.
1 OPEN CREDIT SLIP: #104 FOR $100.00
If there is more than one open credit slip for that customer, you have the choice of viewing the rest of them or ending the search to proceed to the sales screen.
Find the Next credit slip or End the search? <Esc>=Quit
Once the customer's name has been entered, the following screen will appear:
│ CUST #: 1016 PERIOD: 0 YTD PURCH: ______.__ ││ SALE #: 5068 │
│ NAME: Jackson, Joe ││ CLERK: ___,___ │
│ 1234 Main Street ││ DATE: 12/31/09 │
│ Los Angeles, CA 90034 ││ DEPT: ____ │
│ PHONE(S): (999) 999-9999 (999) 999-9999 │└───────────────────────┘
│ NOTES: wife likes pearls │
The box on the left shows customer information along with the current period. This information is displayed only, and cannot be changed on this screen.
Sale information is entered in the box at the top right of the screen. If you need to cancel this sale at this point, press <Esc>.
SALE #*} The sale number is displayed, and cannot be changed.
DATE*} The current date is displayed. You can change it if necessary. To prevent people from typing in the wrong date, you can set up a range of dates that the program will accept here. For example, if you are working in POS mode, you probably want to be able to accept dates only from today or perhaps yesterday, so you can restrict dates to one day prior and zero days following today. See the Store Information Defaults section of the program for details (page ).
DEPT*} Type a ‘department’ code for this sale. This department code does not refer to the category of merchandise, but rather another factor that you want to track. For example, you could type PB for sales to Passers By, or RAD for people who responded to a Radio advertisement, RES for sales to Resale customers, OS for Out of State sales, etc. To report sales by Department, see the Sales Reports for Selected Items. This field can be left blank.
CLERK*} Type the initials of the clerk making the sale. If no commission is to be received by the clerk, this field can be left blank.
If the clerk making the sale will receive a commission, the clerk's initials must be entered. Up to two clerks’ initials can be entered, one before the comma and one after.
Even if you do not offer commissions, you can still enter the clerks’s initials in order to track sales by salesperson. If that is the case, be sure to enter all clerks’ initials into the program, but enter the default commission as 0%
If two clerks will split the commission, their commission percentage defaulted in Clerk Maintenance will be split between them. For example, if one clerk’s regular percentage is 5.0%, then that clerk will receive a 2.5% commission on this sale. If the other clerk’s regular percentage is 7.0%, then that clerk will receive 3.5% on this sale.
If you mistype the initials, you will be shown a list of valid clerks’ initials from the list of clerks that you enter via the Sales Clerks Maintenance section of the program.
╔════════ Clerk 1 ══════════╗
║MORE ↑, press <┘ Code ║
║____________________ ___ ║
║____________________ ___ ║
║____________________ ___ ║
║____________________ ___ ║
║____________________ ___ ║
║MORE ↓, press <┘ (<Enter>) ║
If you do not usually type a clerk, or a department code, and don’t usually have to change the date, you can have the Jewelry Shopkeeper skip the above questions by asking to Skip Date and Clerk During a Sale from the Store Information Defaults section. That way, typing in a sale will be a bit quicker. Even if you turn this option off, you will still be asked for the clerk, department and date if you go back and Edit a sale. That way, if you rarely have to change this information, you can turn the option off, but you can still change it if necessary by going back and Editing the sale after typing it.