Clientbook Setup Steps

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Configure Jewelry Shopkeeper to Connect with your Clientbook Account


You will first need a Store Id credential  obtained by contacting Clientbook (


That store ID will look something like this: a721a6d2-446c-40dd-a4ef-fcc3bf230063


Clientbook requires an Anniversary code and Birthday code. Those are the codes Shopkeeper has been using to designate customer events.


Check the 'Special Events/Dates' section of the customer screen for those codes:



The Store ID, Anniversary code & Birthday code must  be typed into: Maintenance Menu --> Preferences


All the way at the bottom to Web Service Settings.


If you will be using Clientbook SMS/Texting, type OTHERSMS CLIENTBOOK (3)


And select Configure Accounts (4):





On the left, highlight the Clientbook entry  and copy/paste/type the Store ID , Anniversary and Birthday codes:




Once entered, select the Credential Handshake button:


Then type in your Clientbook user ID and password.


This procedure (referred to as Open Authentication or oAuth) tells Clientbook you authorize Shopkeeper to update  Clientbook data:




If all goes to plan you will  see:

