TROUBLESHOOTING - Windows 2000 or Windows XP Slow Printing
A new option in Shop-Pro Version 9.4 stops slow printing under Windows XP or 2000. Go to the bottom of page 2 of Store Information Defaults (option 8,8) and change the Alternative Printing Method to 1 or 2 or 3.
If for some reason that doesn't help you, or if you don't have the current version of Shop-Pro then you can try these suggestions we found.
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(If you have version 9.4 or higher then these below steps are rarely needed - double check the above suggestions before trying these.)
Compulink can't guarantee that these steps are always appropriate
for every user. You will want to ask your computer technician to
review them to see if they are applicable and you'll probably want him or her to run these instructions.
Microsoft made a change that delays all DOS print jobs on any printer
connected to a Windows 2000 or Windows XP workstation by 15 seconds.
This applies to local printers and shared printers that are physically
connected to an LPT port on a Windows 2000 or Windows XP workstation.
This delay can be eliminated as follows:
WARNING: Using REGEDT32 can cause serious damage to your operating
system. Make sure to follow these steps exactly.
1.On the Windows 2000 or Windows XP machine where the printer is
connected, click Start -> Run and type REGEDT32
2.Bring up HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on Local Machine
3.In the header, click View and make sure to check "Tree and data"
4.Expand System -> CurrentControlSet -> Control -> WOW
5.In the right pane should be a key "LPT_timeout". Double click this
6.A prompt for a string with a default of "15" (seconds) will
appear.Change this to 1 and click OK
7.Close RegEDT32
8.Start RDP and test to see if the local printer now prints faster by
using the F2-Print function from the RDP Menu.