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Other Less Common View-Mode Settings



Only consider this information ify ou have already looked at and

tried all the standard options from another help sheet.


From page 2 of Store Information Find the View Mode Style


8) Uses the Notepad text editor on any type of Windows. However,

 Notepad cannot handle large reports and so it may switch to

 WordPad for larger reports


9) Will try to use the eTextViewer with any version of Windows

 or even if the computer appears to be a DOS computer. Not a good

 idea if you have DOS computers.


1) Uses an alternative DOS report viewer. Not recommended. Might be

 useful for extremely low-memory DOS computers.


4) Uses a different alternative DOS report viewer. Not recommended.


If most computers behave well with the eTextViewer so you want to keep

that choice active but you have one computer which does not work well

with it, you can set an 'Environmental Variable' called JSDOSVIEW to Y

which will activate the standard DOS viewer just for that computer.

(e.g. if you have selected view mode 9 but you want to turn it off

at just one station)


If you want the force a particular station to use the eTextViewer

you can set an 'Environmental Variable' called JSWINVIEW to Y

which will activate the eTextViewer just for that computer.