Use Option 1 to choose the report type you want, then choose one of options 2 through 8 to choose the time frame you want to examine and to start the report.
Income Statement or Balance Sheet*} This screen is used to print both the Income Statement and the Balance Sheet. To choose between the two choices, highlight the option and press <Enter>.
Current Period*} To run the report for just the current accounting period, choose this option. The current period includes activity since the last time you closed the previous month and reset the sales period. When you choose this option the report will start generating.
Current Quarter*} To run the report for just the current accounting quarter, choose this option. The current quarter includes activity for periods 1-3, 4-6, 7-9 or 10-12 depending on which quarter the current period falls in. The report will include activity entered since the time you closed the last period of the previous fiscal quarter and reset the sales period. When you choose this option the report will start generating.
Year To Date*} To run the report for just the current accounting year, choose this option. The year to date includes activity for periods 1 through the current period. The report will include activity entered since the time you closed the last period of the previous fiscal year and reset the sales period. When you choose this option the report will start generating.
Same Period Last Year*} To run the report for the same accounting period that you are in now, but for last year, choose this option. When you choose this option the report will start generating.
Same Quarter Last Year*} To run the report for the same fiscal quarter that you are in now, but for last year, choose this option. When you choose this option the report will start generating.
Custom Definition*} To run the report for any sequence of months or any specific month, choose this option
Custom Definition Beginning 0 months ago and Ending 0 months ago
Example: Suppose you are currently in period 11 and period 11 equates to November but you want to run a report for the second quarter of the year. The second quarter consists of periods 4-6, so you would choose to begin the report five (5) months ago and end it seven (7) months ago.
Example: Suppose you are currently in period 2 and period 2 equates to December but you want to run the report just for September. You would choose to begin the report three (3) months ago and end it three (3) months ago.
Choosing to begin 0 months ago and end 0 months ago is the same as choosing the Current Period option above since this month is no (zero) months ago.
The Jewelry Shopkeeper stores the balances of each account for twenty four months, so the oldest starting month you can choose is 23.
Browse Last Calculated Report*} This option allows you to view the last report that you generated. This option stores both the last income statement and the last balance sheet, so even if the last balance sheet you ran was three months ago and you have run several income statements since then, you can still see the last balance sheet generated if you select Balance Sheet in option 1 above and then choose this option.
Spreadsheet File Name*} After you have generated a financial report, you have the option of viewing it on the screen, printing it on paper, or copying it to a file on disk that you can then import into a spreadsheet program. The method of importing the file will vary with each different spreadsheet program. For example, to import the file into Lotus 1-2-3 Version 2, you would start 1-2-3 and choose / (F)ile (I)mport (N)umbers. Importing the report into a spreadsheet can let you reformat the report to suit your needs.
The financial reports contain details and subtotals and totals. When you import the report into a spreadsheet, the subtotals and totals are copied as numbers, not formulas. If you change the data in the spreadsheet, the subtotals and totals will not re-calculate unless you type in the formulas.
After the report has finished generating and before it has printed, you will be asked to type in the title that you want to print above the report.
╔═══════════════════════════════════ TITLE ════════════════════════════════════╗
║ Income Statement for current period (9) ║
║ For Golden Opportunity ║
After you type in the title, you have the chance to view the report on-screen.
Do you want to browse this Income Statement before continuing? Yes No
Next you have the option of printing the report out on paper.
Do you want to print this Income Statement? Yes No <Esc>=Quit
When the report has finished, the report screen will re-appear. You can return to step 2 to run another report, or press <0> to return to the previous menu.