From the Main Menu, select SYSTEM MAINTENANCE, then Update Passwords. The following screen will appear:
█ Golden Opportunity ♦ Update Passwords █
█ █
█ Maximum Discount This █
█ Password Password Can Give On A Sale █
█ █
█ Password # 1) BOX 15.00 █
█ 2) DECK 20.00 █
█ 3) SCREEN 23.00 █
█ 4) 0.00 █
█ 5) 0.00 █
█ 6) ALPHA 30.00 █
█ 7) 0.00 █
█ 8) 0.00 █
█ 9) PENCIL 100.00 █
█ 10) AZIMUTH 100.00 █
█ █
▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ <Esc>=Quit ▀▀▀
Type the password for each level. To activate passwording you must enter a password in slot 10; if you do not enter a password for level 10 then passwording will not be in effect.
If you use passwords, do not forget the number 10 password. If you forget it, you may lock yourself out of the program.
You do not have to assign a password to each level, but you must not assign the same password to more than one level.
For each password, you can also specify the maximum discount percent that can be entered in the sales screen. For example, if password level 2 has a maximum discount of 25%, then a clerk using password 2 could not sell a $200 ring for less than $150.
There is a Manager Override feature available in the sales screen. If a clerk needed to enter a discount higher than they are allowed by this screen, a manager with a higher level can enter her password in the sales screen to allow the higher discount for just that item.
Remember, passwording is only in effect if you have a password entered for Level 10. Do not forget the level 10 password.
Note that whenever you get an update to the Jewelry Shopkeeper from Compulink, the passwords and security levels are NOT saved. For this reason you should make a table to record the security privileges assigned to each password level.
The first security level screen refers to a few options that are not specifically menu choices.
█ Golden Opportunity ♦ Merchandise Cost Access Security Levels █
█ Enter the security level required to access each of the following █
█ menu choices. e.g. a user with access level 5 can access options █
█ which are rated from 1 to 5, but not higher. █
█ █
█ Display Cost on screen and reports: 3 █
█ Change Cost During a Sale: 10 █
█ Change Description & Style During a Sale: 4 █
█ Change a finalized sale: 4 █
█ View a finalized sale: 4 █
█ Modify Tags Before Printing: 11 █
█ █
▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ <Esc>=Quit ▀▀▀
Display Cost on Screen and Reports*} Many screens and reports show the cost of inventory. If don’t want some people to be able to view the cost, enter a number higher than 1 here so that people with a level lower than that will not be able to see the cost. On the screens, the cost is simply left blank if the person is not allowed to see it. In the case of certain reports which show the cost, the user will simply not be able to access that report.
Change Cost During a Sale*} On the sales screen, you have the option of changing the cost of any item you sell. This can be useful if you are using a dummy SKU number to sell an item (if, say, that item had not yet been entered into inventory). However, it is possible to change the cost for any item. Enter a number higher than 1 here so that people with a level lower than that will not be able to change the cost from a sales screen.
Change Description & Style During a Sale*} On the sales screen, you have the option of changing the style and description of any item you sell. This can be useful if you are using a dummy SKU number to sell an item and you need to change the description to match the item. However, it is possible to change the description for any item. Enter a number higher than 1 here so that people with a level lower than that will not be able to change the description from a sales screen. Note that users will always be able to change the description for repair items regardless of their security level.
Change a Finalized Sale*} From the Sales Menu there is an option to Edit Sales. This option is very useful in order to add or remove items from layaway or if you need to change the sales clerk. However once a sales is finalized, (the customer has taken the item with them and the sale is complete) it is not usual to change that sale. If you want to see the sale, choose Display a Sale. If you need to enter a return or exchange, you should enter a new sales ticket for the transaction by choosing Enter Cash/Charge Account Sale. To prevent people from accidently changing a finalized sale, enter a number higher than 1 here to disable access to users with lower access levels.
View a Finalized Sale*} From the Sales Menu is an option to Display Sales. This option is very useful in order to see exactly what items were sold to a customer and when, and how they were paid for. Enter a number higher than 1 here so that people with a level lower than that will not be able to view finalized sales. Usually you should leave this set to 1 so anyone can view finalized sales.
Modify Tags Before Printing*} When printing tags, you have the opportunity to browse the list of selected tags before they are printed. At that time you can change the quantity of tags that you want for each item, and you can also change the description to be printed. This option might be useful if there are some words that you typed into the description of the item, but don’t want to print them. However, it might not be safe to let just anyone change the descriptions so you can enter a number higher than 1 here. The result is that users with a level lower than that will not be able to change the descriptions to be printed on the tags.
On the subsequent screens you will be asked to assign a password level to each of the menu choices in the Jewelry Shopkeeper. For example, if you want a level 1 person to be able to enter sales, but not to be able to void sales, you would enter level 1 for choice 1 of the Main Menu (Sales) and you would enter level 2 or 3 for choice 6 of the Sales Menu (Void a Sale).
It is suggested that you print each menu screen (by pressing the <Print Screen> key or pressing <Shift-Print Screen>.) before entering the requires security levels. You can then use the printouts as a worksheet onto which you can write down the required security levels; this way you will know what each menu option refers to.
Look at the top of the screen to see which menu you are setting the required security levels for. In the example below, you would be setting the required security levels for options from the Main Menu.
█ Golden Opportunity ♦ Main Menu Security Levels █
█ Enter the security level required to access each of the following █
█ menu choices. e.g. a user with access level 5 can access options █
█ which are rated from 1 to 5, but not higher. █
█ █
█ Option 1: 1 Option A: 10 █
█ Option 2: 1 Option B: 10 █
█ Option 3: 10 Option C: 10 █
█ Option 4: 10 Option D: 10 █
█ Option 5: 10 Option E: █
█ Option 6: 10 Option F: █
█ Option 7: 10 Option G: █
█ Option 8: 10 Option H: █
█ Option 9: 10 Option I: █
█ █
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