If the inventory item you chose has extended detail, the following screen will display:
11-10002 AAA LARGE 11 100 CHAIN 500.00 500.00
# Pieces Material Weight MM Color Clarity Shape Cut Cost
1 __ _________ ______ _________ ___ _______ ____ ________ ________
2 __ _________ ______ _________ ___ _______ ____ ________ ________
3 __ _________ ______ _________ ___ _______ ____ ________ ________
# Pieces Shape MM Material Quality Weight Tot Weight Cost
1 ___ ____ ___________ ___________ ______ ______ _______ ________
2 ___ ____ ___________ ___________ ______ ______ _______ ________
3 ___ ____ ___________ ___________ ______ ______ _______ ________
# Type Description Weight Cost Units Tot Cost
1 ___________ _________________________ ______ _______ __ ________
2 ___________ _________________________ ______ _______ __ ________
3 ___________ _________________________ ______ _______ __ ________
Any detail on the item appears on this screen. If the item were a loose stone, the loose stone detail screen would show instead. If the item had assemble-type detail, a list of the components would appear instead.
You cannot add extended detail from this screen. You can add extended detail either when merchandise is first typed in (Receive Without a Purchase Order, etc. or you can add detail to an existing item from Adjust Transfer and Edit Inventory.
The following options will appear if you searched for the item by SKU number.
You will then be asked if you want to search the sales files for any sales on which the item was sold. This will search through all previous years’ sales files as well as the current year’s sales files.
║ 3.3 CT AMETHYST - 12 - Searching through this year. ║
║ Sale No. Retail Customer Date Clerk Per Loc Qty ║
║ 2738 651.00 Simon 05/27/96 7 AA 1 ║
║ 2891 1250.00 Christian 06/11/96 0 AA 5 ║
║ 2912 Custom Wk Jones 07/10/96 6 AA 1 ║
Press Any Key to Continue
Sale No.*} Tells you the sale, repair or layaway number the item was sold on.
Retail*} Shows you the price the item was actually sold for, not necessarily the full retail or ticketed price. If the words Custom Wk appear, this means that the item was used as a component in the custom work order indicated under Sale No. No price would be shown if the item were sold as part of the complete custom work.
Per*} Shows you the Sales Period the item was sold in. If 0 appears, that indicates that the sale has not yet been completed, such as a layaway.
Loc*} Shows you the inventory location from which the item was sold from.
Next you will be asked if you want to search through the Return to Vendor memos to see if or when any of this SKU number were returned.
║ 5-00005 3.3 CT AMETHYST - 12 ║
║ ║
║ Return No. Quantity Weight ║
║ 1754 2 6.600 ║
Then you will be asked if you want to search through the assemble/disassemble files. This will show you if this inventory item was used in the manufacturing of another finished piece.
║ 5-00005 3.3 CT AMETHYST - 12 ║
║ ║
║ Assembled ║
║ Sku No. Description Qty Weight Date Price ║
║ 3-00003 18KY, .7CT DIA ANN. 1 04/17/92 250.00 ║
║ ║
Assembled Sku No.,Description, Price*} This shows you the SKU number, description and price of the item that this item became a component of. The completed assembled item may have other components which would not be listed here.
Qty, Weight*} This shows you the quantity and weight of the item that you are examining that were used in the assembly of the finished piece. This does not tell you the quantity or weight of the finished piece.
Date*} This shows you the date that the item was assembled into the other finished piece.
Finally you will be asked if you want to search through the Inventory Transfer Files. This will show you any adjustments to quantity that may have been made. Adjustments to quantity are entered in the Adjust, Transfer & Edit Inventory section.
║ 5-00005 DIA/AME NECKLACE SET - L1900 ║
║ ║
║ Qty Explanation Date ║
║ 1 Down Sent to repair shop - OK Mary 02/26/96║
║ 1 Up Returned from repair shop - Mary 03/10/96║
║ 1 Down Donated for Church Auction - James 06/07/96║