The following screen will appear:
- 0 ___ ___ ______________ ___ _________________________ _________ _______
<Pg Dn>=Choose a Major Class
Leave the last 5 digits blank to have J.S. make a sku number for you.
<Ctrl-Pg Up>=Redisplay All Items Just Typed In [ASSIGNED P.O. NO.: #921027]
<Up Arrow>=Edit Last Item
To go back and edit a sku number, type that sku number. <Esc>=Quit
Enter one line for each item at the location.
SKU.NO*} Either type the complete SKU number for this item if you have one, or just type the major class code and allow the program to assign the remainder of the SKU number. If you need to view a list of the major class codes, you can press <Page Down> at this prompt, then you can pick the code from a list similar to the below.
╔════════════ Major Class Codes ════════════╗
║ MORE ↑, press <┘ Mnemonic ║
║ ___ _____________________ ___ ║
║ ___ _____________________ ___ ║
║ ___ _____________________ ___ ║
║ ___ _____________________ ___ ║
║ ___ _____________________ ___ ║
║ MORE ↓, press <┘ (<Enter>) ║
╚══ Press <Enter> to Select, <Esc> to Cancel
VEN*} Type the vendor code for the vendor of the item.
MFG*} Manufacturer or manufacturer code. Type a three-character code referring to the manufacturer of the item, rather than the vendor. For example, if you are ordering Seiko watches from Joe Green, then Mr. Green is the vendor and the manufacturer is Seiko. Usually, the vendor and the manufacturer are the same.
STYLE*} Type the manufacturer’s style number for the item. The system will check for a record of the style and, if found, will display the class codes, description, cost and retail price.
MNR*} Minor class code. If you don’t use minor codes, you can enter 1 here, which is the general minor class code.
If the class code is not on file, you will be asked if you want to add the code, and you can then answer <Y> to type the description for the class code. However, it is strongly recommended that you exit this program and type the class code using the procedure described in the Class Codes Maintenance chapter in section 8 to ensure that the minor class codes are properly organized.
The full names of the major and minor class codes will appear at the bottom of the screen so you can verify that you have entered the correct class code numbers. Press <Y> to verify the codes, or <N> to re-type them.
DESCRIPTION*} Type a 25 character description for the item. This will appear on tags, but you can add extended detail later for more detailed information.
COST*} If the item is purchased and sold by quantity, type the cost for one item. If the item is purchased and sold by weight (gram, carat, etc), type the cost per unit of weight. Whether or not an item is purchased or sold by weight or piece is set up from the major class code setup screen. Within a major class code, all items must either be purchased by the piece or per unit weight.
It is possible to purchase items on a per unit weight basis, yet sell them on a per piece basis. This depends on how the major class codes was set up.
The Jewelry Shopkeeper allows you to enter the cost to four decimal places. (to the hundredth of a penny) This may be useful for certain vendors who calculate prices to that degree of accuracy. However, if you want to use four decimal places in the cost, you have to turn that option on from Store Information Defaults section of the program (See page ).
MSRP*} Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Prices can be printed on the tags and customer receipts and statements if they are entered. See Store Information Defaults to activate this choice.
RETAIL*} Type the selling price for the item. If a markup formula was set up for this class code, a suggested retail price will automatically be calculated from the cost and the markup formula, and will be entered into this field. If it is automatically calculated, you can override it.
(WEIGHT)*} This field appears only if the item is sold by weight, such as stones. Type the weight in the usual units for this item.
QTY*} Type the quantity currently available at the location. If you type a zero in this field, the system will display a warning but will allow the entry.
As each item is entered, the cursor moves to the next line. The first three digits of the SKU number appear automatically on the next line.
(REC’D DATE)*} If you did not enter a date above in step 2, you will be asked for the date you received this item. This is not required, but helps you determine your turnover and sales performance for different items.
(INVOICE)*} If you did not enter a date above in step 2, you will be asked for the invoice number for this item. This is not required, but can help you keep track of your inventory for insurance purposes.