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2. Item Selections

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By selecting the correct options, you can reprice a number of inventory items at once.


Look over the options available. If you make more than one selection, only items that fit all the options entered will be repriced.


More specific instructions on making selections appear in the next step. Read over the available selections before proceeding.


For Vendors*} To reprice items for one vendor, or a series of vendors. Type a range of vendor codes, and items for vendors within the range will be repriced. To reprice items for one vendor, type the vendor code as both the starting and ending vendor code.


For Manufacturers*} To reprice items of one manufacturer, or a series of manufacturers, type a range of manufacturers, and items within the range will be repriced. To reprice items for one manufacturer, type the manufacturer as both the starting and ending manufacturer in the range.


For Major Class Codes*} To reprice items with a specific major class code, or within a range of class codes, type the class code as both the starting and ending major class code.


For Minor Class Codes *} To reprice items with a specific minor class code, or items within a range of minor class codes, type the class code as both the starting and ending minor class code in the range.


For Dates Received *} To reprice items received within a certain date range. This is useful if prices increased on a particular date, and you want to reprice only the items that you received since that date. Type a range of dates. Items received on or between these dates will be repriced.


For Price Ranges *} To reprice items that are currently priced within a certain range, type a range of prices. Items with current prices within the range will be repriced.


For Invoice Number*} To limit repricing of items received on one particular invoice, choose For Invoice Number. This choice should be used in conjunction with the vendor code in the unlikely case another vendor has the same invoice numbering system.


Include Zero Quantity Inventory *} To reprice only items where the quantity is not zero, select Exclude. To reprice only items with a quantity of zero, select Only. To reprice items regardless of quantity, select All.


Sort By Sku no., Manufacturer, Vendor *} The report showing the items selected for repricing can be printed in order of SKU number, manufacturer or vendor. Press <Enter> on this menu choice to cycle through the sorting choices.


This report will allow you to check the items selected for accuracy. Choose the order that will make the report the easiest for you to check. If you are not sure, leave the selection as Sku No..


Display, Print, Wide or Compressed*} The items selected for repricing can be displayed on the screen or printed on the printer. If the report will be printed, it can be printed on a wide-carriage printer. The report can also print in compressed print on a standard-size printer.


Select Display to display to the screen, Wide to print the report in wide format, or Compressed to print the report in compressed print. Select Print to print with standard-sized print on a standard-sized printer. If you are not sure, leave the selection as Display.


Start Report*} Press <Enter> to start the report showing the items to be repriced. This is a crucial step. No repricing will be done in this step but the list of the selected inventory items to be repriced will be reported so you can double check your selections.


Start Repricing Inventory *} Choose this option to start the repricing process. Only selected items will be repriced.


Once the system has started repricing the selected items, the process cannot be stopped and cannot be automatically reversed. Be sure the list of items is accurate!



Should the new retail be based on Cost, Retail or classcode Markup?  <Esc>=Quit




The new retail prices can be based on the corresponding items’ original cost, current retail or the class code markup scheme. If you choose Cost or Retail one of the following question applies:



What percentage of the cost should the retail be marked up to?     0.00







What percentage should the retail prices be increased by?:     0.00




For repricing based on cost, 200% represents a keystone (double the cost) markup. For example for an item with a cost of $150, an entry of 240% would reprice the item at $360 (2.4 × $150).


For repricing based on retail, 5% represents a five percent increase in the current retail price. For example, an item with a current retail of $200.00 will be repriced to $210.00.


For repricing based on Class Code Markup, the price of each item is based on the cost of the item and the markup formula entered in that item’s major class code screen. For details on how the markup formula calculates a suggested selling price see the Class Codes Maintenance section of the manual.


Reprice An Individual Item *} Reprice one item only. Type the manufacturer code and style number of the item, and type the new price. All SKU numbers with the selected manufacturer code style number will automatically be updated with the new retail price.


Adjust Inventory Cost Values*} The repricing feature will even let you change the costs of items! First you must choose between changing the Cost or Replacement Cost by answering the following question:




      Do you want to adjust the Cost or the Replacement Cost?  <Esc>=Quit




Then decide on the percentage the cost will be decreased. If the cost is to be increased, enter this amount as a negative number.



By what percentage should the cost be DECREASED?:     0.00%




To show a Replacement Cost as 15% greater than the item cost, type -15.