The SKU number (Stock Keeping Unit) is your stock number for each piece of merchandise. This consists of the Major Class Code which you assign when you enter the merchandise plus a five-digit unique number which the program assigns. For example, 105-10015 could be a SKU number for the last ladies ruby ring you typed in. (Which could be equivalent to LRR-10015 if you assigned a mnemonic.) The five digit trailing number has no meaning, it’s just the next available number within the major class code. It is possible for different items to have the same trailing number if they have different major class codes. E.g. you can have SKU number 105-10015 in addition to 210-10015. The SKU number does not have to have any particular meaning because given the SKU number the program can tell you all the information about the item.
SKU numbers are generally unique unless multiples are received at the same time. For example, if you have two of the same watch but they were received at different times, they would have different SKU numbers because each has a different cost, date of arrival and a different invoice number which is important tracking information. If you receive two identical watches on the same invoice they would usually share the same SKU number. However, it is possible to assign each watch a unique number even if you receive them at the same time. For some small items that are not tagged or tracked individually such as some findings or watch batteries, you can prevent the program assigning new SKU numbers by locating the old stock number in the program and increasing the quantity on hand.