Reset To-Date X & Z Report Sales Figures

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Reset To-Date X & Z Report Sales Figures


The To-Date Sales value on the X and Z Report normally resets to zero when you do the month-end for period 12, i.e.  December in most cases.


If not (or perhaps December was not your period 12, or perhaps there are other reasons that it does not match your actual to-date sales), it's easy to change via the X & Z Report Screen.


It's also possible to reset that To-Date figure any time you like, e.g. you could even reset it to zero monthly or weekly if you like the figure to be a Month-to-Date or Week-to-Date value.


Open the Cash Register X & Z Report screen and choose Update To-Date Figures then manually change the value of Previous Sales To-Date.


Note that if you are setting/correcting this on a day other than the first day of the year, you want to set the value to the year-to-date sales figures including tax up to and including the last day that has been Z-d out - i.e. probably not including today.

