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             Setting up a Windows 95/98/ME Network


We don't offer support for creating Windows 95/98/ME networks, but

here are some basic tips.


Very few of our customers have the time or experience to start

experimenting with creating networks themselves. A local computer

technician can set up and test a Windows 95/98/ME network in a

reasonable amount of time.


For more details you should check the Windows 95/98/ME manual, or

the Windows 95/98/ME on-line documentation or (probably best) a

third-party Windows 95/98/ME book from a bookstore.


Decide which computer will be the main computer, this will be the

FILESERVER (or just SERVER). All of the Jewelry Shopkeeper

program files and data files will be loaded on this computer

only. No part of the program or data will be loaded on the

WORKSTATIONS. We call the other computers which don't have the

Jewelry Shopkeeper loaded WORKSTATIONS, even if they are

technically servers for other printers or files.


To start with, you have to set up NETWORKING from the CONTROL

PANEL. You'll need to add the "Client for Microsoft Networks" and

the "File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks" along with

adding a "Protocol" such as IPX/SPX. You also may have to give

the server a NAME from the "Identification" tab - e.g. as SERVER


you must make the C: drive fully sharable (e.g. you need to share

the whole C: drive, not a part of it, and you must grant full

read/write rights.) To make a C: drive sharable, you may have go

to the MY COMPUTER SCREEN, then single-click on the C: drive,

then choose FILE then PROPERTIES. Note that you cannot make the

C: drive sharable, until after you have activated the Windows

95/98/ME Networking options.


You may have to create one or more USER names at the server but

it is easier if you change the Access control to "Share-Level

Access Control"


You will have to activate the networking functions at the

WORKSTATION from the control panel. (Microsoft Client, IPX/SPX,



At the WORKSTATION, you'll probably have to go to NETWORK

NEIGHBORHOOD to login to the server. Also in NETWORK

NEIGHBORHOOD, you should click on the server icon to see the

resources of the server, such as it's C: drive. After you see the

C: drive, single-click (not double-click) on the shared C: drive,

the click on FILE from the menu above, then choose MAP A NETWORK

DRIVE. We suggest you map the drive letter F: to the shared

drive. Also, you should click on the RECONNECT AT LOGIN box so

that every time you start the workstation it will assign F: to

the server.


Next, you should load the Jewelry Shopkeeper icons on the

WORKSTATIONS as described on a separate page.