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For Windows XP or Windows 2000 only



In general Shop-pro supports only parallel (LPT1, LPT2, LPT3)

printers. However if your system meets ALL THREE of these criteria you

will likely be able to use a USB printer.


1) The printer is a Hewlett Packard (with PCL support)

2) The computer is running Windows XP (possibly Windows 2000)

3) The computer is networked (the other computers don't have to be

   Windows XP and you could even have just a virtual network without

   any other computers if you have an ethernet connection to a broadband

   internet router such as a DSL-modem/router or a cable modem)


If you have just a Single computer, NOT a network there is a further trick

that you can play on Windows XP to fake it into behaving like a network.

If you feel like tweaking Windows see the notes at the bottom.



In order to allow Print Sharing from Windows (needed for Shop-Pro to use

a USB port) from within the Network configuration part of Windows you need

to make sure you have the "File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks"

service loaded.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


A) * Share the Printer:

 Go to the Windows Desktop.

 Choose Start, Printers (or Start Settings Printers)

 Right-Click the USB printer icon.

 Choose Sharing.

 If you see   "Click where it says If you understand the Security Risks

 Click Here" then click there

 If you see "Just Enable printer sharing" click that option

 Click/choose Share This Printer

 Choose Shared As. Type in a useful name.

 E.g. if the printer is an HP 2200 Laser, type: HP2200JET

 If the printer is a Ithaca POS JET 1000, type: POSJET


B) * Check or Correct the Full Computer Name

 Right Click My Computer and choose Properties and the Computer Name

 (or Network ID) Tab.


 Note the FULL COMPUTER NAME (eg Back, Jerry etc)


 If there are Spaces in the Full Computer name, then CHANGE THE NAME TO

 NOT INCLUDE SPACES. Or, if the full computer name is just a jumble of

 letters and numbers, give it a proper name (such as FRONT or MARY)


 - If you change the Full Computer Name you have to restart the computer

   before continuing.


C) Choose the JS-MENU icon.

 At the black and white Enter Your Choice prompt, type:

 NET  USE  LPT3:  \\Computer name\Printer name  /Y   and press Enter


D) In Shoppro, Choose Printer Redirection (choice 8,b).

 Go to an appropriate printer definition number (eg. 14 for the HP

 Laserjet)  Change the PORT to: LPT3


E) Press Esc. Change the appropriate print job(s) (eg. Reports) to the

 print number you changed in step: D


F) Test Printing.






Note: do NOT use these Simulating a Network instructions if you actually

do have a network or if you have a broadband internet connection.


These notes are only to be used to 'fake out' the computer so that the

USB port tricks above can work.



Windows Vista


Start, Control Panel, !!(choose Classic View)

Add Hardware

Click Continue (Welcome to the Add Hardware Wizard)  NEXT

choose "Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (Advanced)"

Scroll down to Network Adapters NEXT

Click on Microsoft of the left for Mfg

Click Microsoft Loopback Adapter on the right and click NEXT

The wizard is ready to install your hardware NEXT

"Please wait while the wizard installs the software ..."

"Completing the Add Hardware Wizard"

click FINISH



Windows XP


Start, Control Panel, Add Hardware

(Welcome to the Add Hardware Wizard) NEXT


Yes, I have already connected the hardware, NEXT

Scroll down do the BOTTOM of the list

Click Add a new hardware device NEXT

Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (advanced) NEXT

Scroll down to Network adapters NEXT

Click on Microsoft of the left for Mfg

Click Microsoft Loopback Adapter on the right and click NEXT

The wizard is ready to install your hardware NEXT

"Please wait while the wizard installs the software ..."

"Completing the Add Hardware Wizard"

click FINISH



Windows 2000


Click Start, point to Settings, click Control Panel,

and then double-click Add/Remove Hardware.

 (If you don't see Add/Remove Hardware switch to "Category View")

Click Add/Troubleshoot a device, and then click Next.

Click Add a new device, and then click Next.

Click No, I want to select the hardware from a list, and then click Next.

Click Network adapters, and then click Next.

In the Manufacturers box, click Microsoft.

In the Network Adapter box, click Microsoft Loopback Adapter, and then click Next.

Click Finish.