Network Printing with Windows XP
These steps apply to Version 9.4 and higher.
These are the steps to allow a computer to access a printer connected
to another computer on the network. They assume the printer is already
connected and working with the computer connected to the printer and that
the printer is assigned as shared at the other computer. Note that serial
printers may not be sharable.
*) Go to the computer with the printer and make sure the printer is shared
(From Windows, right click the printer icon and choose Sharing)
*) At the workstation (not the one with the printer) open a command prompt.
(choose start, run, COMMAND) At the command prompt type
NET VIEW <Enter>
to see the list of computer names on the network. Identify the one with
the printer attached, and type (assuming the name is SERVERNAME - change
to match your own)
and locate the sharename of the printer - e.g. HP5 for example
then type
EXIT <Enter>
* be sure to change SERVERNAME for the correct computer name
* be sure to change HP5 for the correct printer name
6) Go into Jewelry Shopkeeper (Pro). Choose Printer Control
Codes (Choice 8,A). Press Esc to add a new printer (Choose
"NOT USED - ADD PRINTER" in Shopkeeper) in this example,
duplicate the HP Laserjet (but change for your own printer).
Name the printer "Network HP" and type LPT2 for the Printer Port.
7) In the Printer Control Codes menu, select 0 to Exit and Save
8) Go to the Printer Redirection Feature [Choice 8,B]. Note the
printer number assigned to the printer called: Network HP.
9) Press <Esc> to "Customize Printing Destinations" screen.
Type the newly assigned printer number in any print job to
be redirected to the network printer.
10) From the same "Customize Printing Destinations" screen find the prompt
"If every station should store its own copy of this page of settings,"
on what drive should they be stored?" and choose drive C