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For Windows XP or Windows 2000 only


XP and Shop-Pro together don't directly work with serial (COM port)

devices but they may work indirectly. Normally this requires that

your Windows XP machine be set up in a network or at least think it's

in a network


If you have just a Single computer NOT a network there is a further trick

that you can play on Windows XP to fake it into behaving like a network.

If you feel like tweaking Windows see the notes at the bottom before





Add a Generic/ Text Only printer from within Windows (Open the Control

Panel, choose Printers and Faxes, then choose  Add a Printer).

Choose a Local Port and do NOT select 'detect plug and play devices'.

Set it to use the COM1 port name it "TAGPRINTER" or "CASHDRAWER" or

something appropriate but don't use spaces in the name don't make

it the default Windows printer.


Once installed, right-click the printer icon, select Sharing and make it

shareable and make the share name: TAGPRINTERPOLE. You may even be

prompted to make it sharable during installation which saves you the

extra step.)


Right-click the printer icon, choose Properties, Ports, then with the

COM1 port highlighted click Configure Port and make sure that the

baud, parity, data bits, stop-bits and flow control are all correct.

These settings are different for different printers or devices and

only your printer manual or dealer can tell you the right settings.


Once completed, right click My Computer from the main windows desktop

and choose properties. Choose Computer Name. Make a note of the Full

Computer Name. (eg. OFFICE)


Choose the JS-MENU icon. At the black and white screen with the Enter

Your Choice-> prompt, type:


(this is based on the above examples - change the OFFICE part to match the

computer name and change the TAGPRINTER PART to match the printer share







Next, go into the Shoppro. Choose 8,B for printer redirection. Scan

the list to find the tag printer entry and set the PORT column to LPT3.

Then from the subsequent page set the Thermal Transfer Printer to

the number from the list on the previous page - the one where you added



If you are using the COM port for something other than the tag printer

such as the Cash Drawer, then from the "customize printer destinations"

page select the appropriate entry instead of Thermal Transfer Printer.






Note: do NOT use these Simulating a Network instructions if you actually

do have a network.


These notes are only to be used to 'fake out' the computer so that the

serial port tricks above can work.


Windows Vista


Start, Control Panel, !!(choose Classic View)

Add Hardware

Click Continue (Welcome to the Add Hardware Wizard)  NEXT

choose "Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (Advanced)"

Scroll down to Network Adapters NEXT

Click on Microsoft of the left for Mfg

Click Microsoft Loopback Adapter on the right and click NEXT

The wizard is ready to install your hardware NEXT

"Please wait while the wizard installs the software ..."

"Completing the Add Hardware Wizard"

click FINISH



Windows XP


Start, Control Panel, Add Hardware

(Welcome to the Add Hardware Wizard) NEXT


Yes, I have already connected the hardware, NEXT

Scroll down do the BOTTOM of the list

Click Add a new hardware device NEXT

Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (advanced) NEXT

Scroll down to Network adapters NEXT

Click on Microsoft and Microsoft Loopback Adapter NEXT

The wizard is ready to install your hardware NEXT

Please wait...

Completing the Add Hardware Wizard FINISH



Windows 2000


Click Start, point to Settings, click Control Panel, and then double-click Add/Remove Hardware.

 (If you don't see Add/Remove Hardware switch to "Category View")

Click Add/Troubleshoot a device, and then click Next.

Click Add a new device, and then click Next.

Click No, I want to select the hardware from a list, and then click Next.

Click Network adapters, and then click Next.

In the Manufacturers box, click Microsoft.

In the Network Adapter box, click Microsoft Loopback Adapter, and then click Next.