RE:Vista Networking
Here's a Microsoft website explaining how to network with Windows Vista:
(lots of diagrams and examples)
If you have simple file sharing in Vista, other computers which
connect are essentially "Guest" so you have to add the read/write
rights to "Guest"
When fiddling with the security of non root folders, Guest
appears as a selection on the list in the C: drive Properties/ Security
area making it more obvious.
But - when dealing with the C:\ root, Guest does not appear.
However, you can manually add it and then grant the permissions.
Open Control Panel, Network, then at the top Network and Sharing Center
and select Public Folder Sharing, Turn on sharing so anyone with network access
can open, change and create files,
Open Computer, right click C: and Share it
Right Click C: and choose Properties, then Security tab.
If Guest shows -select it and give the appropriate permissions.
If Guest does NOT show, choose Edit to get this screen
Choose Add to get this screen
Where you can type in Guest for the object name
and OK
Then Guest should appear on the list of users as above
where you can grant all the permissions.