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Special Shop-Pro Macros



The regular function keys can only type letters and the Enter key so they

can do only very simple things. These are the function keys you set up from option 8,D from the Main Menu.


There's another type of function key - not a publicized feature  - which can

record other key strokes.


At anywhere in Shop-Pro you can start recording a macro by pressing Shift-F10, then you can assign the macro to a key (perhaps Alt-F1, Alt-F2,

Alt-C, Ctrl-K, etc)


Then you type or press any keys including Escape, Page-Down, Ctrl-End, etc - anything you might normally type in Shop-Pro.


Then to stop recording press Shift-F10.


Important Note: These macros will NOT be saved for future Shop-Pro use on this computer or other computers on your network unless you choose 8,D for Function keys then choose OPTIONS at the top and then choose Save Macros. Otherwise, the macros will continue to be available until you Exit Shop-Pro.


NOT saving might be good for one time-adjustment types of macros which you wouldn't want to accidentally be invoked later.


Also note that you if you want a macro which should start from the Main Menu, you can start the recording by pressing Escape 5 or 10 times. That way if Shop-Pro were, for example, waiting to make a sale, the several escapes at the beginning would get you back to the main menu where you would then have the macro choose 6,5 for reports or whatever you wanted.  It wouldn't matter if you added 10 escapes to the beginning of the macro because extra escapes at the main menu do nothing.