Instructions for Installing Windows NT/W2K/XP Icons
If You Have a Network ...................................................
Note that if you have a network of computers the Jewelry Shopkeeper
programs and data file all reside on the server (main) computer; no
parts of the Jewelry Shopkeeper are stored on the workstations (slaves).
If you have not yet 'mapped' a network drive letter you need to map a
drive letter such as F: to the root of the shared network drive where
the Shop-Pro is installed. Note that you should not map the drive letter
to the COMPLINK.JS folder - but map it to the shared drive itself.
Also, the root of the network drive needs to be shared with update
privileges granted. If you don't want to share the root of the C:
drive, 'partition' the drive to create a D: drive which you can share
and where you can store the COMPLINK.JS folder.
Your network person should know your network configuration and will be
able to explain by phone how to correctly map the drive letters
on your network. Briefly, though, you open My Network Places, then
choose Tools, then Map Network Drive, then set the Drive box to F: or G:
or H: (whichever is first available), then next to the Folder box choose
Browse, then find the computer and the drive where Shop-Pro is installed
(this is the shared hard drive which contains the COMPLINK.JS folder)
click one time only on the shared hard drive (not the COMPLINK.JS folder
but the drive which contains it) and then click on OK.
Go to the workstation, and open the Windows Explorer and open the drive
where the Shop-Pro is installed - Normally this is the C: drive but
if you on a workstation on a network it might be F:, G: etc.
Open the COMPLINK.JS folder and if you have a file called XP-PRO then
double-click on the file called JSICONS and then skip the rest of this
Otherwise locate the files called NT-PRO and NT-MENU and make a COPY of
these files on the main Windows Desktop
(one way is to Right-Click and drag them to an empty spot on the desktop)
Open the COMPLINK.JS folder and locate the files called NT-PRO and
NT-MENU and make a COPY of these files on the main Windows Desktop
(one way is to Right-Click and drag them to an empty spot on the desktop)
Then close the Windows Explorer and rename those icons SHOP-PRO and
JS-MENU respectively.
If this is a workstation on a network you'll need to fix the Working
Directory of these icons. Right-click the icon and choose Properties
then click on the Program tab and then fix the drive letter in the
Working box - e.g. F: or G: etc. (don't do this if you have just a
single computer)
For the JS-MENU icon change the CMD Line to read
For the SHOP-PRO icon change the CMD Line to read
Fixing Windows File Handles for Windows NT/2000/XP
Windows is normally configured for a small number of file handles - fewer
than Jewelry Shop-Pro requires
You have to manually edit the CONFIG.NT file using the NOTEPAD editor to
fix this problem.
Normally you find this file in the SYSTEM32 folder under the main WINDOWS
or WINNT folder. If you can't find it use the Windows "Find File" feature
to find the file CONFIG.NT
When you open the file using NOTEPAD look for the FILES= line and change
the number on that line to 125 and then choose Save and exit.
Choose the Start button, then RUN then type NOTEPAD and press Enter.
In notepad choose File, Open, then type the name of the file which is
normally either C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\CONFIG.NT
(Note that in a few cases it might be on drive D: instead of C:)
instead of typing the file name you could browse to the correct file
using the File Open dialog box.
Fixing screen size problems
If you run the Shop-pro in 'Full Screen' Mode but it only appears in the
top half of the screen you will need to change the display properties.
Note that Compulink recommends that you run Shop-Pro in a 'window'
rather than in Full-Screen mode. Running in a Window allows you to see
other active programs, the Start menu, the system tray (clock etc)
It's also more reliable for viewing images in Shop-Pro and viewing
reports in the Windows viewer (versions 9.6 and later)
To run in a Window you often have to reselect the font size. Start the
Shop-Pro and put it into a 'Window' so you can see part of the
Windows Desktop in the background - you may need to press Alt-Enter to get
into a window. Right-click the title bar at the top of the window then
choose Properties, then pick the Font tab and select Lucida Console and
then select a size, such as 18, 20, 24, then click OK and then select
Save for future and click OK.
Note that the best size will depend on your monitor resolution. Also note
that in a Window you can normally make Shop-Pro fit the full width of the
screen and up to 70% of the height (not 100%)
If you want to try full-screen mode...
Start the Shop-Pro and put it into a 'Window' so you can see part of the
Windows Desktop in the background - you may need to press Alt-Enter to get
into a window. Right-click the title bar at the top of the window then
choose "Properties" and you will find several tabs or pages of options.
Choose the "Layout" tab and change the Width to 80 and the Height to 25
for both the "Screen Buffer Size" and "Window Size" boxes.
When you choose OK you may get a dialog prompt asking something like if
you want to apply the changes only for the current window or for all
windows with the same name. Choose the Same Name option. Quit the Shop-Pro
and then re-open it and then press Alt-Enter to switch to full screen.
If you can't get that to help go back to the Windows desktop, right-click
the Shop-Pro icon, choose Screen, choose Full-screen and then try a
different setting for the 'Restore Settings at Startup' check-box.
Some releases of Windows 2000 don't respond correctly this setting
in which case you have to run Shop-Pro in 'windowed' mode by pressing
Note that if you run the Shop-Pro in a window (NOT in full-screen mode) you
can still change the size of the window. Right-click the blue title bar,
then click on Properties then click on the Font (or Layout) tab
then change the font of that window to Lucinda Console, and then try various
font sizes - perhaps 16 or 24 depending on your monitor's resolution.
When you choose OK - a prompt occurs asking if you want then changes
for just this window or Save Properties - choose the Save Properties option.
You may then need to exit Shop-pro and re-open Shop-Pro to see the change.
If Shop-Pro keeps opening in a window but you prefer a full-screen every
time, right click the icon on the desktop and change the display mode
from Window to Full Screen. You may also have an option like "restore
settings at startup" in which case uncheck that.
When you switch to another application and leave Shop-Pro running - try
to leave Shop-Pro in an inventory or sales screen - not at the menu.
Leaving Shop-Pro in the menu in the background slows the computer.
Network Performance
Some users of Windows XP on a network have found that if they have
very slow network performance they can remedy that by adding the
IPX network protocol (in addition to the more common TCP/IP
protocol. Ask your network manager if you want to try that.
A new option in Shop-Pro Version 9.4 normally stops slow printing
and a few other printing quirks that arise under Windows XP and
possibly under other versions of Windows.
If you have any printing problems go to the bottom of page 2 of
Store Information Defaults (option 8,8) and change the Alternative
Printing Method to 1 or 2 or 3. Then page-down to the next page and
then try the printing again. If the first one you try doesn't help
try the other numbers.
Slow Printing
A new option in Shop-Pro Version 9.4 and later normally stops slow
printing and a few other printing quirks that arise under Windows XP
and possibly under other versions of Windows.
Go to the bottom of page 2 of Store Information Defaults (option
8,8) and change the Alternative Printing Method to 1 or 2 or 3.
Then page-down to the next page and then try the printing again.
If the first one you try doesn't help try the other numbers.