TO CHANGE THE PERIOD 6 (Calendar Year) TO Period 1 (new Fiscal
1) Run a cleanup. [choice 8, 7, CLEANUP]
2) Make a Backup. Keep this backup in a safe place and don't
reuse it; Just in case.
3) Close the period as normal. When the process is completed
the program will say "The period was successfully reset. The
new period is 7."
4) Return to the Main Menu and go to the Store Information
Defaults. [choice 8, 8, page 1 (v8.2) OR page 4 (right above
cost code) v7.5].
Change the period to period 1.
5) Return to the Main Menu. Confirm that the period says 1.
6a) Select Utility Programs [(Pro version 9, M, U) (Regular
version Press U at the Main Menu)]. A list of utility
programs will appear.
6b) Highlight and select TRACK. Confirm that backups have been
6c) Any number field, change to 12 (ie. Last Period which was
6d) Any date field, change to 12/31/97 (ie. Date sales files
were last purged:)
6e) You will be returned to the Main Menu when you complete the
last entry.
7a) Again, select Utility Programs [(Pro version 9, M, U)
(Regular version Press U at the Main Menu)]. A list of
utility programs will appear.
7b) Highlight and select PERIOD. Confirm that backups have been
7c) This utility asks: What period is January? Type: 1. It will
then ask you to confirm January is period 1. Answer Y. When
completed, this utility program will return to the Main
8) Go to the DOT Prompt [(Pro version 9, M, D). From the Dot
prompt, type:
DO EOY <enter>
QUIT <enter>
9) Run another cleanup. [8, 7, CLEANUP]
10) Run a Cleanup a Range of Yearly files [Choice 8, E, 8]
Select CLEANUP YEARLY FILES 89 through 97 and type CLEANUP.
11) The changing of fiscal year periods is complete.