The cash requirement report by expense code can only show the entire
incoming amounts sorted by expense code - not the remaining amount due
by expense code.
Previous versions might have sort of allowed this option but on review
that choice in previous versions was an estimate of sorts and not
particularly reliable because the Shop-Pro doesn't maintain an amount
due by expense code it keeps the amount due for the entire invoice -
the amount due by expense code is for the entire invoice.
While a couple of jewelers have lamented the passing of that report,
because it was not often possible to substantiate the resulting numbers
on that report it had to be removed.
Fortunately, there is not an accounting standpoint need to know how
much remains due by expense code.
What is important is to know how much is due and to whom and on what
invoice - that is what the cash requirements report for unpaid invoices
sorted by vendor does. This details backs up the A/P liability total.
What is also important is to know the value of incoming invoices sorted
by expense code regardless of how much has been paid - because this
represents the accrual-method expense for a certain time-frame.
The most recent versions of Version 9 have re-enabled this
combination -- however it will present this warning when
you try it.
Sorted by Expense Code for Unpaid is not
condoned since it doesn't work for
partially paid invoices. You should
choose Both Paid & Unpaid. Do you want
to continue with this report anyway?